Monday, March 22, 2010

Australia: Prime pineapple season

North Queensland Register, 20 Mar 2010 - Stephen and Robert Pace's family operation has been basking in success in 2010, with cartons and trays of pineapples, weighing 20kg and 10kg respectively, selling to $26 after a tough season in the south. Prices have remained stable since, due to high demand from Heinz, which has a quota of 7000 tonnes still to fill.

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Netherlands: The Greenery seeks pineapple supplier - 25 Jan 2010

Dutch importer The Greenery/Hagé International looking for additional source in Costa Rica as European demand grows ... read more...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Netherlands: Cocaine intercepted in between pineapples

Fresh Plaza - 22 Jan 2010

Three men have been arrested, on suspicion of planning to smuggle cocaine in large quantities, hidden in pineapple shipments from South America to the Netherlands. In Panama at the end of November 2009 900kgs. of cocaine, packed in plastic crates was intercepted, which is most probably connected to this shipment. ... read more...

Malaysia bootstraps Sabah pineapples - 6 Jan 2010

A plan to cultivate 800ha of pineapple plantations in the Malaysian state of Sabah is set to take off next month with the planting of the first 100ha in ... read more...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

USA: Pineapple, apple top list of children’s favorite fruits

Oct 31, 2009 - Billings Gazette

Pineapple is by far the most popular item in a snack program that serves fresh fruits and vegetables to students at eight Billings elementary schools. ... read more...