Thursday, February 12, 2009

Uganda: Luweero to get Sh1 billion pineapple factory

The Government, Kasana-Luweero Catholic Diocese and three private investors from Austria are to construct a sh1.2b pineapple-drying factory in Luweero district.

The state minister for investment, Semakula Kiwanuka, on Tuesday toured the proposed site and met some of the farmers who would supply the pineapples.

Kiwanuka said the Government would contribute 70% of the total cost to be released this financial year.

The move follows a 2007 visit to Luweero by investors from the south Austrian province of Corinthia headed by Olivia Mugabe, a Ugandan living in Austria.

Mugabe said the project is expected to be completed by February 2010.

She said the factory would be run by Nature Uganda, a newly registered co-operative entity which comprises 30 farmers in Luweero, three Austrian investors and Caritas Kasanaensis, the social services development arm of the Kasana-Luweero Diocese.

According to the terms of engagement, the 30 farmers will supply the fruits, Caritas Kasanaensis will provide extension services to the farmers, while Eine Weit AG, an Austrian firm, will handle fruit processing and marketing.


Publication date: 2/12/2009